
2024-06-10 23:51:39 高兴赛事 高兴猫



如果你作为一个小组的组长,而你的组员又是07,08的师兄师姐你会怎么做呢?你如何看待志愿者与运动员明星拍照的行为?你举得自己最大的优势是什么?what do you think about Guangzhou’s traffic?综合知识面试:一名老师,一名学生干部;英语应用面试:一名外国语学生,一名秘书。

Michael: What kind of exercises do u usually do?你平时做什么运动?B: Well, I love to do push-ups, and go cycling every day.我喜欢做俯卧撑,每天我都骑单车。



2、worship n.崇拜,礼拜,尊敬 vi.敬神,拜神 vt.崇拜,尊敬 上面就是一些谈论关于足球的英语情景对话啦,最后面还有两个生词的解释,看样子你也是喜欢看足球比赛的人啊不知道你喜欢哪个球星呢,是C罗,还是内马尔,还是梅西,呵呵~~~还望能够采纳。

3、I just cant believe it. They lost the game!我简直不敢相信。他们输了! I was so disappointed with the referee, he should get punished byFIFA.我对那个裁判太失望了,他应该受到国际足联的处罚。

4、看足球比赛英语:Watching football matches。例句:But I like watching football matches.他喜欢看足球比赛。Im always on the edge of my seat when watching football matches.看足球比赛,我总是很兴奋。

5、汤姆昨天晚上看了一场足球赛.肯定句: Tom watched a football match last night.否定句: Tom didnt watch a football match last night.一般疑问句: Did Tom watch a football match last night?一般疑问句肯定 Yes, he did.一般疑问句否定 No, he didnt.谢谢,请采纳。


运动与健康英语对话一 A:I can see youve got some color back in your cheeks.看得出来你脸上有了血色。B:Yes,I find jogging does good to me,so I keep on doing it.是的,我发现慢跑对我有好处,所以我就坚持下来了.A:Youve formed a sound habit.你养成了一个好习惯。

关于做运动的英语对话篇一 A:Are you interested in mountaineering?你喜欢登山运动吗?B:Yes. in some sense.I should say I like mountain climbing, you know, because Im not so professional. How about you?是的,从某种意义上来说。我应该说我喜欢爬山,因为我没有这么专业。

关于运动英语对话篇1 外宾:Whats your favorite sport?你最喜欢的运动是什么?市民:Wrestling.摔跤。外宾:Did you watch the final?你看决赛了吗?市民:Sure.当然.外宾:Whos the champion?谁是冠军 市民:UK.英国。

我尽量每天都慢跑一段,运动的重点是要有规律。A: What are the best exercises for health?什么运动最有益?B: I think its impossible to name one exercise thats good for everyone.我想这很难讲。

Do you like palying basketball?oh yes,I do.下面是由我收集整理的关于体育运动的英语对话,供您参考。

关于喜欢运动的英语对话一 A:Ahh...What a fine day!I do feel like an outdoor exercise.啊哈天气真好!我想做一下户外运动。B:How about taking a walk in the park?去公园散步怎么样?A:OK.Its delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so fresh.好的。


1、AJordan is a legend, anyway. An idol that no one can replace. I think Clive can make a good professional basketball player. He is not just about muscles he also plays *** art.不管怎样,乔丹是个传奇。一个没有谁能取代的偶像。我觉得克莱夫会成为一名出色的专业篮球选手。

2、problem that may come along.你应该随时准备解决可能出现的问题。

3、higher. In the NBA, Yao Ming can be said to be a shining star, and he served as Houston Rockets center, his performance this season is true that he was with the Lakers in the battle injured.更多关于篮球的知识可以到百度查。

4、Outlet pass:抢到篮球板后的第一传,一般都是隔场的长传。 Overtime:加时赛,时间为5分钟。 Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。 Pass:传球。 Personal foul:个人犯规。 Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。


6、翻译:篮球被誉为世界上最伟大的运动之一。篮球的发明者是James Naismith。1891年,James Naismith在马塞诸塞当体育老师的时候,校长让他为基督教想出一种运动,这种运动一定要在室内进行,运动员在比赛时还要有棒球和足球比赛时的激情。


奥运 英语 情景对话:Dialogue I’m looking forward to the swimming events.(我期待着观看游泳项目。)情景对话:A:The Olympics will be really exciting.(这次奥运会是非常令人兴奋的。)B:Yes. I’m looking forward to the swimming events.(是的,我期待着观看游泳项目。

Dan My favourite sport is soccer. You know, Im in the soccer team. [我最喜欢的运动时足球,你知道的,我在足球队嘛]Ann Oh, yeah, I remember. [哦,对哈。

关于运动的英语对话篇一 A:your muscles are a spectacle!你的肌肉真健壮!B:Thank you.Thats the result of exercise.谢谢,这是锻练的结果.B:By the way,do you work out?随便问一句,你进行健身锻炼吗?A:No,but I am starting working out from now on.不。不过我打算从现在起开始。

exercise, physical fitness is not good. Should be more exercise and exercise more, do you think?A: Well, yes, then we hurry to write it, finish, and you can come back to read out games.B: Well, really a good idea.参考资料:我自己写的,本人英语水平有限,看看能不能用。



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